Welcome to Illumination Maze!

In this game you play as a curious sentient speck named Spright who has wandered through a realm of mazes covered in darkness! Navigate Spright through 3 different mazes as she lights up her surroundings, and utilising buttons keys and warps to make her way to the lightspot and beam up the whole maze! There's a variety of ways to clear one maze!


  • A or Left arrow = Move Left
  • D or Right arrow = Move Right 
  • W or Up arrow = Move Up
  • S or Down arrow = Move Down
  • Space = Interaction 
  • R = Reset the Level
  • M = Back to Title Screen


Level Design
  • Nathan Galang  - Tutorial & Level 3
  • Harry Lecoutre - Level 1
  • Hok Lam Ng - Level 2
  • Art and Sprite - Nathan & Harry
  • SFX - Hok Lam
  • Music - Marllon Silva (xDeviruchi)